Yuanbo Han

Irvine, CA

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CS graduate student at UCI, interested in Software Engineering.


University of California, Irvine

Master of Computer Science
GPA: 3.9/4.0

Main Coursework:

Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Network, Computer Security, Internet of Things, Parallel and Distributed Computing.

2019 - 2020

Fudan University

B.S. in Mathematics (Data Science)
Undergraduate Scholarship, STEM Scholarship

Main Coursework:

Real & Complex Analysis, Linear & Abstract Algebra, Topology, Analytic Geometry, Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Computational Statistics, Machine Learning, Financial Engineering.

2015 - 2019

Australian National University

Exchange Semester in Engineering and Computer Science
High Distinction Academic Grading

Main Coursework:

Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Bio-inspired Computing

Feb - June 2018


Familiar With
  • Java
  • Python
  • Git
  • Bash
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Heroku
  • Maven
  • LaTeX
Basic Knowledge
  • Node.js
  • Vue
  • React
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • C
  • R
  • Firebase

Bear Maps

Map app with rastering, labeling, auto-completion and navigation. Implement Heap, Trie, K-D Tree, A* search in Java. Object-oriented programming. Test with JUnit. Built by Maven.


Smart Brain

Face detection web app built by Node.js. Front end by React.js. Back end by Express.js. Utilize Clarifai API. Login system by PostgreSQL. bcrypt hashing for password security.


Panoramic Photo Generation

Use Python and OpenCV to generate panorama image from video. Implement key frame selection, SIFT, cylindrical projection, Laplacian blending and image cropping.


Mushroom Edibility Rules

Two approaches to extract logical rules for mushroom edibility: Neural Networks; Genetic Algorithm + Decision Tree. Implemented using Python with intuitive visulization.



Python Programmer

Getti Tech
  • Use Jupyter Notebook to write hundreds of lines of Python codes.
  • Significant use of spaCy, an open-source NLP software library, for English grammar detection.
  • Provide syntactic analysis logic for tens of grammatical structures such as grammatical particles, adverbial clauses.
June 2019
Shanghai, China